Under the supervision of ‘Madrasa tul Madinah for Baalighaat’, a Madani Mashwarah of responsible Islamic sisters was held in Lancashire Kabinah, UK. Division responsible Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great Mashwarah.

Kabina responsible Islamic sister (Madrasa tul Madinah for Baalighaat) followed up the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees [Islamic sisters], did their Tarbiyyah and explained the monthly performance form. Moreover, she gave the Madani pearls on carrying out the Tafteesh of classes in the month of June 2021. 

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis short courses for Islamic sisters’, a Tarbiyyati Session’ was conducted in Birmingham Region, UK in previous days. 25 Islamic sisters, along with Mudarrisat holding the course and Division responsible Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great session.

Kabinah responsible Islamic sister (Majlis short courses) expressed her thoughts about the important issues faced in the test of the course, namely ‘Blessing of the Islamic Fundamentals’. Moreover, she gave the points on the blessings of learning and teaching the religious knowledge, and conducted a Q&A session with Islamic sisters regarding the test of the course, which was very interesting. 

Under the supervision of Majlis Shab-o-Roz, 110 Madani news updates of Islamic sisters were received from UK in May 2021. As per the report received, a lot of Madani news updates of Islamic sisters from UK have already been uploaded on the website of Majlis Shab-o-Roz. On the other hand, more efforts are being made to improve the department.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Madani Mashwarah of responsible Islamic sisters was held on 7th June 2021 in Walthamstow Division (London Region, UK). All Nigran Islamic sisters from Division had the privilege of attending this great Mashwarah.

Division Nigran Islamic sister followed up the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees [Islamic sisters], did their Tarbiyyah and gave the Madani pearls on improving the religious activities. Moreover, she appreciated them on the weekly booklet outstanding performance and gave them the mindset of improving the performance of reading.

Under the supervision of ‘Shoba e Shab o Roz’, a Madani Mashwarah of responsible Islamic sisters was held on 7th June 2021 in UK via Skype. Islamic sisters from London, Birmingham, Manchester, Bradford and Scotland had the privilege of attending this great Mashwarah.

Region Mashawarat responsible Islamic sister (Shab o Roz) followed up the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees [Islamic sisters], did their Tarbiyyah and discussed on improving the religious activities of ‘Shab o Roz’ and taking part in the writing competition of Monthly Magazine Faizan e Madinah. Also, she appreciated them on submitting the schedules of Zone Mashawarat on time. 

Under the supervision of ‘Shoba e Raabta Baraye Shakhsiyat o Shoba e Taleem’, a Madani Mashwarah was held in Glasgow Kabinah, Scotland Region in previous days. Responsible Islamic sisters of Mashawrat (Shoba e Raabta o Shoba e Taleem) had the privilege of attending this great Mashwarah.

Region responsible Islamic sister (Shoba e Raabta o Shoba e Taleem) explained the attendees [Islamic sisters] the points on improving the department. Moreover, she gave them the Madani points on submitting the performance schedule every month on time and carrying out the religious activities in a more excellent way.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis short courses for Islamic sisters’, a 26-day course, namely ‘Madani Qaida’ was commenced from 2nd June 2021 in London Region, UK. 12 Islamic sisters are having the privilege of attending this great course.

In this course, in addition to being taught about the recital of the Holy Quran with correct Tajweed, the attendees [Islamic sisters] are also being taught about other obligatory acts of Wudu and Ghusl. 

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis short courses for Islamic sisters’, a 30-day course, namely ‘Blessing of Tajweed and Salah’ was commenced online from 1st June 2021 in Bradford Region, UK. 13 Islamic sisters are having the privilege of attending this great course.

In this course, the attendees [Islamic sisters] are having the privilege of learning about the essential rulings like Tajweed (Madani Qaida, six Kalimahs, Iman e Mufassal and Mujmal, Talbiah o Tashreeq), (Fiqah Wudu, Ghusl, Salah and other essential Shara’i rulings) and Tarbiyyat (Bayans and Madani Tarbiyyat).

Under the supervision of Jamiat ul Madinah ‘Islamic sisters’, a Madani Mashwarah of responsible Islamic sisters and Nazimaat from UK was held on 8th June 2021. They highlighted importance and introduction of the courses conducted in Jamiat ul Madinah ‘Islamic sisters’, upon which responsible Islamic sisters presented their intentions of conducting the courses.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at were held in the Zaili Halqahs of Canada’s different cities like Montreal, Thorncliffe, Calgary and Brampton in previous days. Approximately, 112 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending these great Ijtimaat.

The female preachers of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Bayans on the topic ‘excellence of Makkah Mukarramah’, persuaded the attendees [Islamic sisters] to keep a good company and associate with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami. On the other hand, she gave them the mindset of learning everything properly [like method of Hajj and Umrah] before going for Hajj and Umrah.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’ was held in Montreal, Canada via Skype in the local language in previous days. Approximately, 15 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this spiritual Ijtima’.

The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Bayan on the topic ‘perils of backbiting’ and gave the attendees [Islamic sisters] the mindset of refraining from backbiting others and improving their Akhirah. Furthermore, she encouraged them to keep associated with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’ was held in Thorncliffe, Canada via Skype in the local language in previous days. Approximately, 15 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this spiritual Ijtima’.

The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspiring Bayan on the topic ‘medical advantages of Wudu’ and motivated the attendees [Islamic sisters] to perform Wudu according to Sunnah. Moreover, she briefed about the religious activities of Dawat-e-Islami and encouraged them to keep associated with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami, attend the weekly Ijtima’ and take part in the religious activities practically.