Dua-e-Shifa Ijtima’at
are held at numerous places in Belgium, Sweden and Denmark

with the great purpose to comfort and console the grief-stricken Ummah of the
Holy Prophet ﷺ, Dua-e-Shifa Ijtima’at
were held under Dawat-e-Islami to inquire after the health of the sick and pray
for them at many places in the countries of European Union Region, Belgium,
Sweden and Denmark, which were attended by a large number of local Islamic
Muballighaat of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Sunnah-inspired Bayanat on the topic, “Virtues
of Patience over Illness’’ and
described the virtues of being patient to the Islamic sisters attending the
یا سلام was collectively recited as well. After the
Bayanat, special supplications were made for the sick.
Dua-e-Shifa Ijtima is held via Skype in a country of European Union Region,

Dua-e-Shifa Ijtima was held under Dawat-e-Islami via Skype in the country of
European Union Region, Austria, in which 18 local Islamic sisters participated.
The Kabinah Nigran Islamic sister of Dawat-e-Islami’s department,
Majlis-e-Kafan Dafan delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan on the topic, “Virtues
of Patience over Illness” and described the virtues of patience to the
Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima. Moreover, she also gave some spiritual
Course” was recently held via Skype in La Salut, Spain

the Short Courses Majlis for Islamic sisters, a 5-day “Tafsir-e-Surah-e-Rahman
Course” was recently held via Skype in La Salut, Spain, in which 27 Islamic
sisters in total participated.
Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan, explained a
simple translation of Surah-e-Rahman to the Islamic sisters attending the
course and provided information to them regarding the commentary etc.

the Madani In'amat Majlis for Islamic sisters, a Madani In'amat Ijtima was held
on 17th August, 2020 in East Ham, in which 14 Islamic sisters participated.
Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan, briefed the
Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima in detail about the Madani In'amat and
told them ways to act upon the Madani In'amat conveniently. Moreover, she
motivated them to become followers of Madani In'amat.

the Madani In'amat Majlis for Islamic sisters, a Madani In'amat Ijtima was held
on 18th August, 2020 in Willesden Green, U.K, in which 13 Islamic sisters
Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan, briefed the
Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima in detail about the Madani In'amat and
told them ways to act upon the Madani In'amat conveniently. Moreover, she
motivated them to become followers of Madani In'amat.
A “Tafsir-e-Surah-e-Rahman
Course” continues in Luton London Kabinah of London Region, U.K

Islamic sisters attending the course are being taught an easy translation of
Surah-e-Rahman and information is also being given regarding the commentary
A “Tafsir-e-Surah-e-Rahman
Course” is held in Sandwell and East Birmingham

5-day “Tafsir-e-Surah-e-Rahman Course” was held under the Short Courses
Majlis for Islamic sisters in Sandwell and East Birmingham, in which 52 Islamic
sisters in total participated.
Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan, explained a
simple translation of Surah-e-Rahman to the Islamic sisters attending the
course and provided information to them regarding the commentary etc.
Madani Muzakarah Ijtima is held in Stoke-on-Trent, Birmingham Region, U.K

18th August, 2020, a Madani Muzakarah Ijtima was held under Dawat-e-Islami for
the representative Islamic sisters in the city of Birmingham Region, U.K,
Stoke-on-Trent, which was attended by 12 representative Islamic sisters.
Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan and encouraged
the Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima to watch the Madani Muzakarah
regularly and invite other Islamic sisters to do so as well.

the Madani In'amat Majlis for Islamic sisters, a Madani In'amat Ijtima was held
on 18th August, 2020 in Leicester, U.K, in which local Islamic sisters
Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan, provided
information to the Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima about the Madani
In'amat and motivated them to spend their nights and days according to the
Madani In'amat and become followers of the Madani In'amat.

Sunnah-inspired Ijtima was recently held under Dawat-e-Islami via Skype in
Halifax, U.K, in which 87 Islamic sisters participated.
Muballigha (Key Speaker) of
Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan on the topic, “Virtues of
Patience over Illness” and had the participant Islamic sisters recite
spiritual remedies as well. Moreover, she encouraged them to visit the sick and
distressed Islamic sisters and console them.
meeting is held for the representative Islamic sisters of Madani In'amat in New
Castle, U.K

the Majlis of Madani In'amat for Islamic sisters, a meeting was recently held
for the representative Islamic sisters of Madani In'amat in New Castle, U.K, in
which the Mushawarat representative Islamic sisters participated.
division representative Islamic sister of Madani In'amat reviewed the
performance of the Islamic sisters attending the meeting and provided guidance
to them. She also presented points to them on further boosting and improving
the Madani activities.

12th to 18th August, 2020, online Dua-e-Shifa Ijtima’at were held under
Dawat-e-Islami at 38 places in Manchester, U.K, in which approximately 764
Islamic sisters participated.
Muballighaat (Key Speakers) of Dawat-e-Islami delivered
Sunnah-inspired Bayanat on the topic, “Virtues of Patience over Illness”
and motivates the Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima’at to visit the sick and
distressed Islamic sisters and comfort them. Moreover, supplications were
offered towards the end of the Ijtima’at.