Under the supervision of Majlis ‘Islah-e-A’maal’, online Sunnah-inspiring ‘Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’ was conducted in Manchester (UK) on 24th December 2020. 16 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great Ijtima. The female preacher of Dawateislami delivered a Sunnah-inspiring Bayan and gave the attendees (Islamic sisters) points about making accountability of their deeds through ‘Nay’k Am’aal’ booklet or mobile application. She also shared some important tips for observing Qufl-e-Madina and submitting Kaarkardagi [performance] on time. 

Under the supervision of Majlis ‘Islah-e-A’maal’, an online Sunnah-inspiring ‘Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’ was conducted in Oldham (UK) on 24th December 2020. 14 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great Ijtima. The female preacher of Dawateislami delivered a Sunnah-inspiring Bayan and gave the attendees (Islamic sisters) points about making accountability of their deeds through ‘Nay’k Am’aal’ booklet or mobile application. She also shared some important tips for observing Qufl-e-Madina and submitting Kaarkardagi [performance] on time. 

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Madani Mashwarah of Responsible Islamic sisters (Lancashire Kabina) presided by Region Nigran Islamic sisters (UK) was conducted. In this Mashwara, Nigran Islamic sister (UK) analyzed the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees (Responsible Islamic sisters), did their Tarbiyyah and encouraged them to invite Islamic sisters to righteousness over the phone as well as she shared some important points for improving and increasing religious activities of Dawateislami. 

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis for Alaqai Dorah activity (Islamic sisters)’, an activity, namely ‘Inviting people towards righteousness’ was carried out Woking (London Region) via phone in previous days. Responsible Islamic sister invited the local Islamic sisters towards righteousness over the phone, and provided the attendees (Islamic sisters) the important information about religious activities of Dawateislami, encouraged them to keep associated with the religious environment of Dawateislami and take part in religious activities.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis short courses for Islamic sisters’, a course ‘Islamic heroes’ conducted in North Birmingham. Approximately, 30 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this spiritual course’. Female preacher of Dawateislami delivered a Sunnah-inspiring Bayan, gave the attendees (Islamic sisters) Tarbiyyah, and at the end of the course, she made it more interesting by question-and-answer session.

27 دسمبر 2020ء بروز اتوار دعوت اسلامی کے زیر اہتمام ٹنڈو الٰہ یار میں  حیدر آباد ریجن کے رکن مجلس سید یوسف عطاری کے والد مرحوم کے سوئم کے سلسلے میں ایصالِ ثواب اجتماع ہوا جس میں عزیز و اقارب سمیت اہل علاقہ نے شرکت کی۔

مرکزی مجلس شوریٰ کے رکن حاجی محمد جنید عطاری مدنی نے سنتوں بھرا بیان کیا اور شرکا کو اپنے اپنے مرحومین کے لئے زیادہ سے زیادہ ایصالِ ثواب کرنے کا ذہن دیا۔

دعوت اسلامی کی مجلس مدنی قافلہ کے زیر اہتمام 23دسمبر 2020ء کو فیصل آباد کے علاقے عمر مسجد گلستان کالونی میں علاقائی دورہ کا سلسلہ ہوا جس میں فیصل آباد زون کے مدنی قافلہ ذمہ دار محمد طاہر عطاری، نگران کابینہ محمد مظہر عطاری مدنی،محمد فہیم عطاری مدنی اور محمد عثمان عطاری مدنی سمیت ڈویژن مدنی قافلہ ذمہ دار اور رکن کابینہ نے شرکت کی۔

ذمہ داران نے علاقے کے عاشقان رسول کو آپس میں صلہ رحمی کرنے کے حوالے سے مدنی پھول پیش کئے اور مدنی قافلے میں سفر کرنے کی دعوت دی۔(رپورٹ: محمد حارث عطاری، شعبہ مدنی قافلہ)

دعوت اسلامی کے شعبہ مدنی قافلہ کے زیر اہتمام 24 دسمبر 2020ء کو سیالکوٹ زون  گگھڑمیں مدنی حلقہ ہوا جس میں جامعۃ المدینہ کے طلبائے کرام نے شرکت کی۔

مبلغ دعوت اسلامی محمد عرفان عطاری نے سنتوں بھرا بیان کیا اور آپس میں ملاقات کرتے ہوئے سلام میں پہل کرنے، حسن اخلاق اور مسکراکر ملنے کا ذہن دیا۔ بیان کے بعد طلبہ کو 12 ماہ کے قافلے میں سفر کرنے کی نیتیں کروائی گئیں۔

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis short courses (Islamic sisters)’, an online 3-day course, namely ‘character of a daughter’ was conducted on 26th December 2020 in Reading (London region) via Skype. This was a 3-day course with one-hour duration.

In this course, the attendees (Islamic sisters) were taught about ‘upbringing of a daughter’, ‘advantages of Purdah [veiling]’ and ‘beautification and adornment’.

The interested candidates (Islamic sisters) can contact via following email address:


Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, an online Madani Halqa was conducted in Woking (London Region) on 24th December 2020. 8 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this spiritual Madani Halqa. The female preacher of Dawateislami delivered a motivating Bayan on the topic ‘Keep inner-self and outer-self same’, provided the attendees (Islamic sisters) the important information about the religious activities of Dawateislami, encouraged them to keep associated with the religious environment of Dawateislami and take part in religious activities.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis shrouding and burial’ (Islamic sister), an online ‘Shrouding and burial Tarbiyyati Ijtima’ was conducted in Glasgow, Scotland (UK) on 24th December 2020. 11 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending the ‘Tarbiyyati spiritual gathering’. Region Responsible Islamic sister (Majlis shrouding and burial) explained the method of giving Ghusl to the deceased [Islamic sisters] and using ‘Mustamal water. Moreover, she shared some important points about refraining from Israf [waste].

Online Madani Halqa conducted in Slough (UK)

Tue, 29 Dec , 2020
4 years ago

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, an online Madani Halqa was conducted in Slough (UK). 11 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this spiritual Madani Halqa. The female preacher of Dawateislami delivered a motivating Bayan on the topic ‘The blessed female companions and their sacrifices’ and encouraged the attendees (Islamic sisters) to follow their blessed Seerah [great biographies].