اسلامی بہنوں کی مجلس کفن دفن کے زیرِ اہتمام12
اکتوبر2020ء کو لندن ریجن ٹوٹنگ (Tooting) میں کفن دفن تربیتی اجتماع کا انعقاد کیا گیا جس
میں 10 اسلامی بہنوں نے شرکت کی۔
مبلغۂ دعوتِ اسلامی نے سنتوں بھرا بیان کیا اور
تربیتی اجتماع میں شریک اسلامی بہنوں کو میت کو غسل و کفن دینا سکھایا نیزانہیں
علم دین سیکھنے کے ساتھ ساتھ کتاب کفن دفن کا طریقہ پڑھنے اور عملی طور پر غسلِ
میت و کفن پہنانے کا طریقہ سیکھ کر میّت کو غسل دینے کا ذہن دیا۔
اسلامی بہنوں کی مجلس اصلاحِ اعمال کے زیر اہتمام 12 اکتوبر2020 ء کو مانچسٹر کے
علاقے ایکرینگٹن (Accrington) میں نیک اعمال اجتماع کا انعقاد کیا گیاجس میں 10
اسلامی بہنوں نے شرکت کی۔
مبلغۂ دعوتِ اسلامی نے سنتوں بھرا بیان کیا اور اجتماعِ پاک میں شریک اسلامی
بہنوں کو اپنے اعمال کاجائزہ لینے کا ذہن
دیا نیز نیک اعمال کرنے کا آسان طریقہ سمجھاتے ہوئے اپنے شب
و روز نیک اعمال کے مطابق گزارنے کی ترغیب
دعوتِ اسلامی کی مجلس مدرسۃ المدینہ بالغات کے زیر
ِ اہتمام 12 ستمبر 2020ء کو اَلْحَمْدُ
لِلّٰہِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ! یوکے کے شہر پریستوچ (Prestwich) میں مدرسۃالمدینہ بالغات کا آغاز ہوا جس میں 8 اسلامی
بہنوں نے ایڈمیشن لیا ۔
قراٰن پاک کی تعلیم عام کرنے ،خصوصاً تجوید کے
مطابق پڑھانے اور ساتھ میں اسلامی بہنوں کو فرض علوم سِکھانے کے حوالے سے اس شعبے
میں مزید کوششوں کا سلسلہ جاری ہے۔
Under the supervision of
Dawat-e-Islami, the Sunnah-inspiring congregation was conducted in Dellas, USA.
26 Islamic sisters attended the congregation.
The Sunnah-inspiring
congregation of the Islamic sisters took place. More or less 26 Islamic sisters
attended the congregation from the three differentareas.
The female preacher of
Dawat-e-Islami delivered the speech on the topic of “the Sufism of A’la Hazrat”.
She persuaded the Islamic sisters in the sacred congregation to decorate the
home on the occasion of the arrival of Rabi ul Awwal Shareef and to watch the
Madani Muzakirah.
congregations in five different areas of New York, America
Under the supervision of
Dawat-e-Islami, the Sunnah-inspiring congregations were conducted on 8 October,
2020 in five different areas (Coney Island Avenue, Foster Avenue,
Brighton Beach Avenue, New Jersey, Staten Island (of New York, America. 104 Islamic
sisters attended the congregations.
The female preacher of
Dawat-e-Islami delivered the speech on the topic of “the Sufism of A’la Hazrat”,
and while informing the Islamic sisters in the sacred congregation about the
Madani activities of Dawat-e-Islami, she persuaded them to adapt to the Madani
environment of Dawat-e-Islami and to participate in the Madani activities.
Under the supervision of
Dawat-e-Islami, the Sunnah-inspiring congregation was conducted in Mississauga,
Canada. 26 Islamic sisters attended the congregation.
The female preachers of
Dawat-e-Islami persuaded the Islamic sisters in the sacred congregation to
deliver the Sunnah-inspiring speech on the topic of “the attritbutes of the
Holy Prophet ﷺ”, to watch the Madani channel, to follow
the education of Islam, to spread the call towards righteousness, and to follow
the good deeds.
of the Sunnah-inspiring congregation through Skype in Houston, America
Under the supervision of
Dawat-e-Islami, the Sunnah-inspiring congregation through Skype was conducted
in Houston, America. 46 Islamic sisters attended the congregation.
The female preacher of
Dawat-e-Islami delivered the speech on the topic of “the Sufism of A’la Hazrat”,
and while informing the Islamic sisters in the sacred congregation about the
Madani activities of Dawat-e-Islami, she persuaded them to adapt to the Madani
environment of Dawat-e-Islami and to participate in the Madani activities.
Under the supervision of
Dawat-e-Islami, the Sunnah-inspiring congregation was conducted in Chicago,
America. Sixteen Islamic sisters attended the congregation.
The female preachers of
Dawat-e-Islami persuaded the Islamic sisters in the sacred congregation to deliver
the Sunnah-inspiring speech on the topic of “the attritbutes of the Holy
Prophet ﷺ”,
to watch the Madani channel, to follow the education of Islam, to spread the
call towards righteousness, and tofollow the good deeds.
Under the supervision of
Dawat-e-Islami, the Sunnah-inspiring congregation was conducted in Yuba City,
America. 30 Islamic sisters attended the congregation.
The female preachers of
Dawat-e-Islami delivered the speeches on the topic of “the attritbutes of
the Holy Prophet ﷺ.” She persuaded the Islamic sisters in the
congregations to deliver the home Dars and to invoke Durood-e-Pak abundantly in
the Rabi-ul-Awwal Shareef.
of the Sunnah-inspiring congregations in Yuba City and Miami, America
Under the supervision of
Dawat-e-Islami, the Sunnah-inspiring congregations was conductedin Yuba City
and Miami, America. 33 Islamic sisters from the two areas attended the congregations.
The female preachers of
Dawat-e-Islami delivered the speeches on the topic of “the attritbutes of the
Holy Prophet ﷺ.”
She persuaded the Islamic sisters in the congregations to deliver the home Dars
and to carry out the Madani activities.
Madani Mashwarah of the responsible Islamic sisters of the West London Kabinah
in the United Kingdom
Under the supervision of
Dawat-e-Islami, the monthly Madani Mashwarah of the responsible Islamic sisters
of the West London Kabinah in the United Kingdom took place on 9 October, 2020.
Seventeen Islamic sisters attended the Mashwarah.
The Kabinah Nigran Islamic
sister analyzed the performance of the Islamic sisters in the Madani Mashwarah
and trained them accordingly. She persuaded them to fill up the performance
form, improve, and expedite the Madani activities. Moreover, she also discussed
thoroughly about the points of Rabi-ul-Awwal.
was commemorated in the various regions of the United Kingdom
Sheikh-e-Tariqat Ameer
Ahl-e-Sunnat launched a Madani movement of commemorating the day of
Qufl-e-Madinah with the great passion of saving the different parts of body,
especially tongue and gaze from the sins and indecent activities. In October
2020, Qufl-e-Madinah was commemorated on auspicious Monday on an organizational
level in the United Kingdom region, Manchester, Birmingham, Scotland, Bradford,
and Ireland. Alhamdulillah! 278 Islamic sisters had the privilege of observing
Qufl-e-Madinah for at least one day, whereas 81 Islamic sisters had the
privilege of observing Qufl-e-Madinah for three days.