Under Majlis e Kafan Dafan for Islamic Sisters in West Midlands Birmingham a Kafan Dafan Tarbiyati Ijtima was held via Skype on Tuesday 16th February 2021 in Urdu, which approximately 56 sisters took part.

A muballigha of Dawateislami did a bayan on the time of death, method of bathing and shrouding the deceased. Also Israaf (wastage) was discussed.

A Q&A session also took place in which sisters made it apparent they had, for the first time, learnt the shrouding in accordance to Sunnah, whereas previously sisters had told us they have been dressing up the deceased otherwise. In this regard the muballigha guided them and the sisters expressed their gratitude for this opportunity and interest in the course.

Positive feedback was given. Sisters who attended intend to join future Kafan Dafan Ijtima'at as it was well informed and caused them to remember death. Intentions were also made to read the Tajheez o Takfeen book.