Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a monthly Madani Mashwarah of Majalis of Donation Box, Maktaba tul Madinah and Distribution of Booklets was held in Italy via Skype in previous days. 8 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this spiritual Mashwarah.

Kabinah Nigran Islamic sister followed up the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees [Islamic sisters], did their Tarbiyyah and explained them the points on Majalis of Donation Box, Maktaba tul Madinah and Distribution of Booklets. Moreover, she motivated them to increase the donation box at home. 

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at were held in Belgium via Skype in the second week of June 2021. Approximately, 29 Islamic sisters from Antwerp and Brussel had the privilege of attending these spiritual Ijtima’at.

Kabinah responsible Islamic sister (Majlis Short Courses) delivered Bayans on the topic ‘how to develop politeness’ and recounted the attendees [Islamic sisters] the parables and incidents of our pious predecessors about treating others with politeness. Moreover, she gave the attendees (Islamic sisters) the information about the religious activities of Dawat-e-Islami and encouraged them to keep associated with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami and take part in the religious activities.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis Islah-e-A’maal for Islamic sisters’, an Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’ was conducted in Trinitat (Barcelona Division, Spain) via Skype in previous days. Approximately, 16 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great Ijtima’.

The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspiring Bayan and briefed the attendees [Islamic sisters] about the purpose of Nayk A’maal and the methods of acting upon them. Furthermore, she gave them the mindset of becoming the practicing individuals of Nayk A’maal.

Dars at home is also one of the eight religious’ activities of Islamic sisters. Therefore, in this connection, approximately, 52 Islamic sisters had the privilege of giving and listening to Dars at home in the different areas of Badalona and Barcelona Divisions (Spain) in May 2021. On the other hand, in order to attain the blessing of Du’as from Amir Ahl e Sunnat, Islamic sisters were motivated to give Dars at home, upon which Islamic sisters expressed their intentions. 

Under the supervision of department for spiritual treatment (Islamic sisters), stalls of spiritual treatment were set up in Madani Marakiz, Faizan-e-Madina situated in Artigues and Barcelona (Spain). For serving the grieved Ummah, 73 Ta’wizat-e- ‘Attariyah were given to the Islamic sisters for providing them with relief from different diseases and troubles. On the other hand, 10 different Awraad were also given.

At the end, Islamic sisters were encouraged to attend the weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at and take part in the religious activities of Dawat-e-Islami.

In order to spread the message, ‘calling people to righteousness’, Islamic sisters also carry out the religious activities of Dawat-e-Islami in UK. Some glimpses of the religious activities carried out by Islamic sisters from 2nd to 8th June 2021 in UK are as follows:

372 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting one part of the Holy Quran daily.

403 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting a half part of the Holy Quran daily.

504 Islamic sisters had the privilege of giving Dars at home daily.

1478 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting Durood-e-Pak daily for 313 times.

903 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting Durood-e-Pak daily for 1200 times.

657 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reading a book daily for 12 minutes.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis Islah-e-A’maal for Islamic sisters’, a Madani Mashwarah of all responsible Islamic sisters from Lancashire Kabinah (Manchester Region, UK) was held in previous days. 3 Division Mashawarat and 2 Zaili Halqah Mashawarat had the privilege of attending this spiritual Mashwarah.

Responsible Islamic sister (Majlis Islah-e-A’maal) followed up the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees [Islamic sisters], did their Tarbiyyah and gave them the mindset of improving the performance of Madani Muzakirah. Moreover, she discussed on increasing the number of Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’at.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis Islah-e-A’maal for Islamic sisters’, a Madani Mashwarah of Division Mashawarat Islamic sisters from Bradford Region, UK was held in previous days. 5 responsible Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this spiritual Mashwarah.

Region responsible Islamic sister (Majlis Islah-e-A’maal) followed up the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees [Islamic sisters], did their Tarbiyyah and explained new points of the department. Moreover, she gave the Ahdaaf [targets] for improving the religious activities.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis Islah-e-A’maal for Islamic sisters’, Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’at were conducted in Newcastle, Stockton on Tees and Middlesbrough (West Yorkshire, UK) in previous days. 26 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending these great Ijtima’at.

The female preachers of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Sunnah-inspiring Bayans via Skype on the topic ‘contemplation of the Judgement Day’, explained the attendees (Islamic sisters) about the booklet, ‘Nayk A’maal’ and explained the methods of acting upon Nayk A’maal with ease. Furthermore, they gave them the mindset of becoming the practicing individuals of Nayk A’maal.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at were held at different places in Bristol and Black Country Kabinahs (Birmingham Region, UK) in previous days. Approximately, 316 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending these spiritual Ijtima’at.

The female preachers of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Bayans on the topic ‘excellence of Makkah Mukarramah’ and gave the attendees [Islamic sisters] the Madani points of excellence and importance of Makkah Mukarramah in light of the Holy Quran and Hadith. Moreover, they gave them the mindset of keeping associated with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami. At the end, Du’a was also made.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Madani Mashwarah of Kabinah Nigran Islamic sister and Division Nigran Islamic sisters was held in West London Kabinah (London Region, UK) in previous days.

Kabinah Nigran Islamic sister followed up the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees [Islamic sisters], did their Tarbiyyah and appreciated over the outstanding performance. Furthermore, she gave them the Madani pearls on improving the Kaarkardagi about weekly booklet and doing the Tarbiyyah of their subordinate Islamic sisters.

دعوتِ اسلامی کے شعبہ اصلاح اعمال  للبنات کےزیر اہتمام گزشتہ دنوں گوجرانوالہ زون کامونکی کابینہ میں مدنی مشورے کاانعقادہوا جس میں زون مشاورت اورکابینہ تا ذیلی سطح کی ذمہ داراسلامی بہنوں نے شرکت کی۔

ریجن اصلاحِ اعمال ذمہ دار اسلامی بہن نے نئے کارکردگی فارم سمجھائے اور عاملات نیک اعمال میں اضافہ کرنے کےحوالے سے نکات بتائے ۔