11 رجب المرجب, 1446 ہجری
The course ‘Ramadan - a month of deliverance’ conducted in Bristol
Kabinah (Birmingham Region, UK)
Thu, 20 May , 2021
3 years ago
Under the
supervision of ‘Majlis short courses for Islamic sisters’, a course, namely ‘Ramadan - a month of deliverance’ was conducted in
Bristol Kabinah (Birmingham Region, UK) in the month of Ramadan 1442 H. Approximately, 20 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this spiritual course.
Islamic sisters gave positive reviews and said that the course was extremely
useful, they came to learn Shara’i rulings and they were explained about importance
and excellence of the Night Qadr in Ramadan-ul-Mubarak. Islamic sisters made
intentions of appearing in more courses and watching the Madani Muzakirah.