Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami South Africa Region Durban Kabina Nigran Held a bilmushafa (face to face) Madani Mashwara (meeting) with all zimidars (Responsible) Islamic Sisters of Durban Kabina at Faizan-e-Madina Phoenix on Wednesday 5th May 2021. The Kabina Nigran Islamic Sister had given Madani Pearls to all Responsible Islamic Sisters of Durban Kabina on increasing of all Madani Kaam (Activities), Making more minds of Islamic Sisters to give their FITRA and increasing on Madani Atiyat (donations), increasing of Kafan Dafan Tarbiyat (Bathing and Shrouding of the Deceased Islamic Sister) increasing on Madani Dora and all Madani activities.