8 رمضان المبارک, 1446 ہجری
Madani Mashwarah of responsible Islamic sisters conducted in Luton
Kabinah (London Region, UK)
Tue, 29 Jun , 2021
3 years ago
the supervision of ‘Majlis area visit
activity’ and ‘Majlis Mahfil e Na’t’, a Madani
Mashwarah of responsible Islamic sisters was conducted in Luton Kabinah (London Region, UK) in previous days. All responsible
Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great Mashwarah.
Region responsible Islamic sister followed up the
Kaarkardagi (performance) of
the attendees
[Islamic sisters] and did their Tarbiyyah. Furthermore, she motivated
them to read the Monthly Magazine Faizan e Madinah and spread it as much as