Under the supervision of ‘Majlis short courses (Islamic sisters)’, a course, namely ‘love for Ahl-e-Bayt’ was conducted in Sweden and Denmark in August 2021. Approximately, 22 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great course.

In this course, the attendees (Islamic sisters) were explained the way of loving and respecting Ahl-e-Bayt, the condemnation of grudge towards them, the incident of Karbala and blessings of Muharram ul Haram and Aashura. Moreover, the worships performed in Muharram ul Haram and Aashura were also explained. 

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at were conducted in Sweden in the second week of August 2021. Approximately, 31 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending these great Ijtima’at.

The female preachers of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Bayans on different topics, explained the attendees (Islamic sisters) the incidents of the pious saints regarding their faith and patience and gave them the mindset of not panicking in a tough time but having faith in Allah in every circumstance. Moreover, they explained the blessings of motivating the Muslims and gave the mindset of motivating others. 

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, an online weekly ‘Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’ was held in Thorncliffe, Canada in local language in previous days. Approximately, 12 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great Ijtima’.

The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Bayan on the topic ‘the virtue of Islamic knowledge’ and motivated the attendees (Islamic sisters) to keep associated with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami and watch Madani Muzakrah.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, an online ‘Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’ was held in Calgary, Canada in previous days. Local Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great Ijtima’.

The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Bayan on the topic ‘blessings of illness’ and motivated the attendees (Islamic sisters) to bear patience and remain thankful over the calamities and illnesses.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis short courses (Islamic sisters)’, a course, namely ‘love for Ahl-e-Bayt’ was conducted in Surrey, Regina, Thorncliffe and Mississauga (Canada) in previous days in memory of the martyrs of Karbala.

The female preachers of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Sunnah-inspiring Bayans and gave the attendees (Islamic sisters) the mindset of respecting Ahl-e-Bayt and the Sadaat.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis Islah-e-A’maal (Islamic sisters)’, an online ‘Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’ was held in Thorncliffe, Canada in previous days. Approximately, 22 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great Ijtima’.

The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Bayan on the topic ‘journey of the calamities’ and motivated the attendees (Islamic sisters) to perform righteous deeds.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis Islah-e-A’maal (Islamic sisters)’, online ‘Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’at’ were held in Montreal and Brampton (Canada) in previous days. Approximately, 74 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending these great Ijtima’at.

The female preachers of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Bayans on the topics ‘blessings of the 10th of Muharram’ and motivated the attendees (Islamic sisters) to love and respect Ahl-e-Bayt and do Isal-e-Sawab.

With the great passion of saving different parts of body, especially tongue and eyes from sins, Ameer Ahl-e-Sunnat introduced a religious campaign of Yaum-e-Qufl. In this context, Yaum-e-Qufl was observed in August 2021 in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Scotland, Ireland and Bradford Region (UK). 284 Islamic sisters had the privilege of observing the one-day Qufl-e-Madinah and 73 Islamic sisters had the privilege of observing the three-day Qufl-e-Madinah. On the other hand, 640 Islamic sisters read the booklet, ‘Silent Prince’.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis Islah-e-A’maal (Islamic sisters)’, ‘Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’at’ were held in Black Country and Stoke (UK) in previous days. Local Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending these great Ijtima’at.

The female preachers of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Sunnah-inspiring Bayans, provided the attendees (Islamic sisters) the information regarding the booklet, ‘Nayk A’maal’ and explained the methods of acting upon ‘Nayk A’maal. Moreover, they gave the mindset of becoming the practicing individuals of ‘Nayk A’maal’.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Madani Mashwarah was conducted in East Midlands, Birmingham Region (UK) in previous days. Division Nigran Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great Mashwarah.

Kabinah Nigran Islamic sister followed up the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees (Islamic sisters), did their Tarbiyyah and provided the points on improving the religious activities.

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis Islah-e-A’maal (Islamic sisters)’, ‘Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’at were held in Chesham and High Wycombe (UK). 29 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending these great Ijtima’at.

Nigran Islamic sister (‘Alami Majlis Mashawarat) delivered online Sunnah-inspiring Bayans, provided the attendees (Islamic sisters) the details regarding the booklet, ‘Nayk A’maal’ and explained the methods of acting upon the booklet, ‘Nayk A’maal’. Moreover, she gave the mindset of becoming the practicing individuals of ‘Nayk A’maal’.

Under the supervision of ‘Madrasah-tul-Madinah (for Islamic sisters)’, a Madani Mashwarah of Zimmadar Islamic sisters was conducted in Manchester Region, UK. Zimmadar Islamic sisters from Kabinah and Division had the privilege of attending this great Mashwarah.

Region Zimmadar Islamic sister ‘(Madrasah-tul-Madinah)’ followed up the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees (Islamic sisters), did their Tarbiyyah and explained the updated points of the department. Moreover, she gave the Ahdaaf [targets] of starting the classes as soon as possible and increasing the number of students (Islamic sisters).