the holy purpose to protect Muslims from sins, make them pious and help them
attain the everlasting wealth of Allah’s fear and love for the Holy Prophet ﷺ, a Madani In'amat Ijtima was held by the
Madani In'amat Majlis for Islamic sisters in Peterborough, U.K to practically
implement in life, the Madani In'amat given by Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دامت برکاتھم العالیہ for
Islamic sisters. Local Islamic sisters participated in it.
Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan, provided
information to the Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima about Madani In'amat
and motivated them to become followers of Madani In'amat.
Yaum-e-Qufl-e-Madinah is observed on the first Monday of
Muharram-ul-Haram, 1442 Hijri in USA and Canada

the great purpose to protect various parts of the body especially the tongue
and eyes from sins and useless activities, Shaikh-e-Tariqat
Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دامت برکاتھم العالیہ initiated the Madani movement of
Yaum-e-Qufl-e-Madinah. With respect to this, Yaum-e-Qufl-e-Madinah was observed
on the first Monday of the month of Muharram-ul-Haram, 1441 Hijri in various
cities of the USA and Canada, two countries in the North American Region in
terms of the organizational structure, during which 173 Islamic sisters read
the booklet, ‘Silent Prince’ by the grace of Allah Almighty and 74 Islamic
sisters had the privilege to observe Qufl-e-Madinah for more or less 25 hours.

A Sunnah-inspired Ijtima was held under Dawat-e-Islami via
Skype in Miami, USA, which was attended by approximately 22 Islamic sisters.
A Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Bayan on the
topic, ‘The Worship of Sayyiduna Imam Husain رضی
اللہ عنہ’ and presented
Madani pearls to the Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima on offering Salah
regularly and increasing the love for Ahl-e-Bayt. Moreover, she motivated them
to read or listen to the weekly booklet.
A meeting is held for the representative Islamic sisters of
Foster, New York

A meeting was held under Dawat-e-Islami for the
representative Islamic sisters of Foster, New York, during which the Nigran
Islamic sister of North American Region reviewed the performance via Skype,
provided guidance regarding various Madani activities and appointed a Nigran on
Zeli level. Moreover, goals were set for various Madani activities.

the Kafan Dafan Majlis for Islamic sisters, a Kafan Dafan Tarbiyyati Ijtima was
held in Paral·lel city of the country in
European Union Region, Spain, in which approximately 33 Islamic sisters
A Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired
Bayan, gave a briefing on the method of bathing the deceased during the
Tarbiyyati Ijtima and provided information regarding funeral rites. Moreover,
she motivated the Islamic sisters to take the test and carry out Madani

3-day Zikr -e-Shahadat Ijtima was held under Dawat-e-Islami via Skype in two
areas of Spain’s Barcelona Division, Santa Coloma and La Salut, in which
numerous Islamic sisters participated.
Muballighaat of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Bayanat on the topics, ‘Imam Husain’s رضی اللہ عنہ worship’ and ‘The Tragedy of Karbala’. Moreover,
good deeds to do on 10th Muharram-ul-Haram were also explained to
the Islamic sisters.

like every year, this year too, Zikr-e-Shahadat Ijtima’at were held for three
days under Dawat-e-Islami during the weekly Sunnah-inspired Ijtima’at of
Islamic sisters in Muharram-ul-Haram, 1442 Hijri to instill the love of the
martyrs of Karbala in the hearts of the Islamic sisters and to provide
authentic information regarding the martyrdom of Imam Husain رضی اللہ عنہ ,
in various areas of London, U.K including Hackney, Chingford, Ilford, East Ham,
Tooting and Sudbury. During the Ijtima’at, the Muballighaat Islamic sisters
delivered Bayanat on the topics, ‘Imam Husain’s Worship’, ‘The Benevolent Ways
of the People of Karbala’, and ‘Yazeed’s Evil Character’. Moreover, a few good
deeds to do on 9th and 10th Muharram were stated to the
participating Islamic sisters and encouragement was given to observe a
voluntary fast to present reward to the martyrs of Karbala. 140 Islamic sisters
in total had the privilege to attend these Ijtima’at.

Majlis-e-Kafan Dafan for Islamic sisters, a ‘Kafan Dafan Course’ was
held in Central Birmingham, U.K, which was attended by 20 Islamic sisters.
Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami explained the discussion on the time of death, the
method of bathing and shrouding the deceased and rulings of used water.
Moreover, she motivated the Islamic sisters to get training for bathing and shrouding
the deceased so that they are able to do so according to the principles of
Shariah when needed.
online Madani Halqah is held in Oldham Division, Manchester Region

online Madani Halqah was recently held under Dawat-e-Islami in Oldham Division,
Manchester Region, in which 19 Islamic sisters participated.
Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan and described
the importance of Madani Muzakarah to the Islamic sisters attending the Madani
Halqah. Moreover, she motivated them to regularly watch the live weekly Madani
Muzakarah and remain associated with the Madani environment of Dawat-e-Islami.
امریکہ اور کینیڈا ڈویژن کی ذمہ دار اسلامی بہنوں کا بذریعہ
اسکائپ مدنی مشورہ

دعوت اسلامی
کے زیر اہتمام امریکہ اور کینیڈا ڈویژن کی
ذمہ دار اسلامی بہنوں کا بذریعہ اسکائپ مدنی مشورہ ہوا جس میں نارتھ امریکہ ریجن نگران اسلامی بہن نے مدنی مشورے میں شریک اسلامی بہنوں کی کارکردگی کاجائزہ
لیتے ہوئے ان کی تربیت کی اور سنتوں بھرے اجتماعات بڑھانے، معلمات ومبلغات تیار کرنےاورشعبہ ذمہ داراسلامی بہنوں کو اپنے
شعبے سے ملنے والے اہداف کو مکمل کرنے کا ذہن دیانیز اپنے ملک کی مقامی زبان میں
مدنی کام شروع کرنے کے حوالے سے مدنی پھول دئیے۔
ڈویژن کیلگری
کینیڈا میں بذریعہ اسکائپ ذمہ دار اسلامی بہنوں کا مدنی مشورہ

دعوت اسلامی
کے زیر اہتمام ڈویژن کیلگری کینیڈا میں بذریعہ
اسکائپ ذمہ دار اسلامی بہنوں کا مدنی مشورہ ہوا جس میں نارتھ امریکہ
ریجن نگران اسلامی بہن نے مدنی مشورے میں
شریک اسلامی بہنوں کی کارکردگی کاجائزہ لیتے ہوئے ان کی تربیت کی اور ذیلی
حلقوں کی نیو تقسیم کے بارے میں معلومات فراہم کرتے ہوئے مدنی کام بڑھانے کے لئے
مختلف مدنی کاموں کے اہداف دئیے۔

مسلمانوں کو گناہوں سے بچانے نیک بنانے خوف خدا
عشق مصطفیٰ ﷺ کی لازوال دولت دلانے کے عظیم جذبے کے تحت شیخ طریقت امیر اہل ِسنت دَامَتْ بَرَکَاتُہُمُ الْعَالِیَہ کے عطا کردہ اسلامی بہنوں کے مدنی انعامات کو
اپنی زندگی میں عملی طور پر نافذ کرنے کے لئے اسلامی بہنوں کی مجلس مدنی انعامات
کے زیر ِ اہتمام یوکے کےشہر برٹن (Burton) میں مدنی
انعامات اجتماع کا انعقاد کیا گیا جس میں 11 اسلامی بہنوں نے شرکت کی۔
مبلغۂ دعوتِ اسلامی نے سنتوں بھرا بیان کیا اور
اجتماعِ پاک میں شریک اسلامی بہنوں کو مدنی انعامات کے بارے میں معلومات فراہم
کرتےہوئے عاملاتِ مدنی انعامات بننے کا ذہن دیا۔