دعوتِ اسلامی کے شعبہ رابطہ برائے تاجران کے
زیرِاہتمام موبائل مارکیٹ صدرکراچی میں جلوسِ میلاد کا انعقاد کیا گیا جس میں ریجن
ذمہ داررابطہ برائے تاجران حمزہ علی عطاری
نے صدر KEDA رضوان عرفان، ناصر ترک،سلیم میمن اور مارکیٹ کے بڑے تاجران سمیت مقامی اسلامی بھائیوں نے شرکت کی۔جلوس کے اختتام
پرمولانا بشیر فاروق عطاری نے دعا کروائی۔(رپورٹ: حمزہ علی عطاری، کانٹینٹ: غیاث الدین
شعبہ عطیات بکس
دعوتِ اسلامی کے زیرِاہتمام عالمی مدنی
مرکز فیضان مدینہ کراچی میں تین دن11 ،12 ،13اکتوبر 2021ءکوسنتوں بھرے اجتماع کا
انعقاد کیا گیا جس میں پاکستان بھر کےبکسز
وآفس ذمہ دار ،منیجرز، رکن زون ، رکنِ ریجن و اراکین شعبہ سمیت دیگر ذمہ داران نے
شرکت کی۔
اس اجتماعِ پاک کاآغاز تلاوتِ قراٰنِ پاک سے
ہوا،اراکینِ شوریٰ،مولاناسجاد عطاری مدنی اور پروفیشنل اسپیکر سر فرید عطاری نے
ذمہ داران کی دینی،اخلاقی اور تنظیمی اعتبار سے تربیت کی،اس کے علاوہ نگران شعبہ
عبد الرؤف عطاری نے بھی سنتوں بھرا بیان کیا۔
اس سنتوں بھرے اجتماع کے اختتام پر مرکزی مجلسِ
شوریٰ کے رکن ونگرانِ پاکستان مشاورت حاجی محمدشاہدعطاری نےاسلامی بھائیوں کی تربیت
ورہنمائی کی۔
مزید شرکائے اجتماع نے جانشینِ امیرِ اہلِ سنت مولاناحاجی عبید رضاعطاری سے ملاقات بھی کی۔(رپورٹ: ابو حبان محمد فیضان عطاری،کانٹینٹ:غیاث الدین
بھاگل اڈامیں
سنتوں بھرے اجتماع کا انعقاد،فیضانِ نمازکورس کےشرکاکی شرکت
دعوتِ اسلامی کے شعبہ اصلاحِ اعمال کے زیرِ
اہتمام 14اکتوبر2021ءبروزجمعرات بھاگل اڈامیں
سنتوں بھرے اجتماع کا انعقاد ہوا جس میں فیضانِ نمازکورس کے شرکاسمیت دیگر
ذمہ داران نے شرکت کی۔
رکن لیہ زون غلام عباس عطاری نے سنتوں بھرا بیان کرتے ہوئے درود پاک کے فضائل اور72 نیک اعمال پر عمل کرنے کی ترغیب دلائی۔(رپورٹ: غلام عباس عطاری رکن زون ،کانٹینٹ:غیاث الدین عطاری)
Kaarkardagi about the religious activities carried out in September 2021
in Far East Region
With the passion of spreading ‘call towards
righteousness’, Kaarkardagi about the religious activities carried out in
September 2021 in Far East Region is as follows:
Number of Islamic sisters who got associated
with religious environment through Infiradi Koshish this month: 7
Number of Islamic sisters who gave Dars at
home daily: 22
Number of Madrasa-tul-Madina (Islamic
sisters): 8
Number of Islamic sisters who studied in them:
Number of weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at: 8
Number of Islamic sisters who attended these
Ijtima’at: 220
Number of Islamic sisters who listened to the
weekly Madani Muzakirah: 39
Number of participants who attended the weekly
area visit: 18
Number of Islamic sisters who read / listened
to the weekly booklet: 37
Number of booklets ‘Nayk A’maal’ received: 35
Kaarkardagi about the religious activities
carried out in September 2021 in Central Africa
With the passion of spreading ‘call towards
righteousness’, Kaarkardagi about the religious activities carried out in
September 2021 in Central Africa is as follows:
Number of Islamic sisters who got associated
with religious environment through Infiradi Koshish this month: 2
Number of Islamic sisters who gave Dars at
home daily: 59
Number of Madrasa-tul-Madina (Islamic
sisters): 12
Number of Islamic sisters who studied in them:
Number of weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at: 14
Number of Islamic sisters who attended these
Ijtima’at: 199
Number of Islamic sisters who listened to the
weekly Madani Muzakirah: 53
Number of participants who attended the weekly
area visit: 29
Number of Islamic sisters who read / listened
to the weekly booklet: 204
Kaarkardagi about the religious activities
carried out in September 2021 in Southern Africa
With the passion of spreading ‘call towards
righteousness’, Kaarkardagi about the religious activities carried out in
September 2021 in Southern Africa is as follows:
Number of Islamic sisters who got associated
with religious environment through Infiradi Koshish this month: 23
Number of Islamic sisters who gave Dars at
home daily: 117
Number of Madrasa-tul-Madina (Islamic sisters):
Number of Islamic sisters who studied in them:
Number of weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at:
Number of Islamic sisters who attended these Ijtima’at:
Number of Islamic sisters who listened to the
weekly Madani Muzakirah: 132
Number of participants who attended the weekly
area visit: 37
Number of Islamic sisters who read / listened
to the weekly booklet: 391
Number of booklets ‘Nayk A’maal’ received: 177
5-day course ‘Shumail Mustafa’ ended in America, North America Region
the supervision of ‘Majlis short courses’ the 5-day course, namely ‘Shumail
Mustafa’ ended on 13th October 2021 in America, North America Region.
40 Islamic sisters are having the privilege of attending this spiritual course.
(Islamic sisters) expressed significantly good remarks. Moreover, at
the end of the course, Islamic sisters expressed the intentions of attending
the Sunnah-inspiring Ijitma’, reading one Hizb of Dalail-ul-Khairat daily, and
studying the booklet, ‘Seerat Rasool Arabi’.
Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at conducted in different cities of Canada
the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at were
conducted in Thorncliffe, Calgary, Montreal and Brampton (Canada)
the second week of October 2021. Approximately, 67 Islamic sisters had the
privilege of attending these spiritual gatherings.
female preachers of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Bayans on the topic ‘how to reform
yourself’ and motivated the attendees (Islamic sisters) to
fill the booklet, ‘Nayk A’maal’, to attend the weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’
regularly and to act upon the booklet, ‘Nayk A’maal’.
online Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’ conducted in Thorncliffe, Canada in local
the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, an online Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’ was
conducted in Thorncliffe, Canada in local language in previous days. Approximately,
12 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this spiritual gathering.
female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspiring Bayan and motivated
the attendees
(Islamic sisters) to act upon the booklet, ‘Nayk A’maal’ and take part
in the religious activities.
Madani Mashwarah of Zimmadar Islamic sisters conducted in European Union Region
the supervision of ‘Madrasa-tul-Madinah (Islamic sisters)’, an
online Madani Mashwarah of Zimmadar Islamic sisters of Rukn ‘Alami Majlis
Mashawarat with Zimmadar Islamic sisters of European Union Region was conducted
on 9th October 2021.
Kaarkardagi of the attendees (Islamic sisters) was
analysed, and their Tarbiyyah was done. Moreover, the important mutual discussions
were made on the Kaarkardagi of Madaris, the test system of students
(Islamic sisters) in Madaris, the test system of employees and
non-employees and the fulfilment of 100% appointment.
online Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’ conducted in Mississauga, Canada
the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a weekly online Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’ was
conducted in Mississauga, Canada. Approximately, 16 Islamic sisters had the
privilege of attending this spiritual gathering.
The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Bayan on the topic ‘how to reform yourself’, gave the attendees (Islamic sisters) the mindset of contemplating the hereafter and motivated to act upon ‘Nayk A’maal’. Moreover, she gave the mindset of refraining from the infringement of the people’s rights.
the passion of relieving the grieved Ummah, Kaarkardagi about the stalls of
spiritual cure set up in Manchester is as follows:
of the stalls of spiritual cure set up under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami:
of Islamic sisters who came to the stalls: 73
of Ta’weezat-e-‘Attariyah: 136
of Awrad-e-‘Attariyah: 63
of Islamic sisters who observed Bayt in the spiritual order of Qadiriyah
‘Attariyah: 1
of booklets, ‘Nayk A’maal’ distributed: 5