performance of the Islamic sisters’ Madani activities carried out in European
Union Region
a look at a few highlights of the Madani activities carried out by Islamic
sisters with the passion to spread the invitation towards righteousness in
European Union Region from 22nd
Zul-Hijja-til-Haram to 29th Zul-Hijja-til-Haram, 1441 Hijri:
Islamic sisters had the privilege to recite one part of the Quran every day.
Islamic sisters had the privilege to recite half a part of the Quran every day.
Islamic sisters had the privilege to recite Salawaat 313 times every day.
Islamic sisters had the privilege to recite Salawaat 1,200 times every day.
Islamic sisters read a book every day for 12 minutes.
Islamic sisters delivered Dars at home every day.
meeting is held for Edinburgh Kabinah and division Islamic sisters
in Scotland
online meeting via Zoom was held under Dawat-e-Islami on 19th August 2020 in
Scotland, UK in which Edinburgh Kabinah and division level representative
Islamic sisters participated.
the meeting, Kabinah Islamic sister reviewed the performance of the division
Islamic sisters attending the meeting, provided guidance to them and presented
points on different topics regarding boosting the Madani activities. She
motivated them to make efforts for the 3-day Ijtima-e-Zikr-e-Shahadat to be
held in the month of Muharram. 6 Islamic sisters participated in it.
A Meeting is held for the Islamic sisters related with courses in
Manchester Region
online meeting was held under Dawat-e-Islami’s Short Courses department for
Islamic sisters on 18th August 2020 in Manchester Region, UK. The
Manchester Region short courses representative sister and the Kabinah level representative Islamic
sisters took part.
the meeting, the performance of the previous month was reviewed and the
training of course teachers was discussed.
Ijtima’at are held in various parts of Birmingham Region
Sunnah-inspired Ijtima’at were recently held under Dawat-e-Islami in various
parts of Birmingham Region, U.K including Coventry, South Birmingham, North
Birmingham, East Birmingham and Telford, which were attended by approximately
238 Islamic sisters.
Muballighaat of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Bayanat on the topic, ‘Wishing well
for the grief-stricken Ummah’. They described the definition of wishing well to
the Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima and stated its virtues. Moreover, they
motivated them to strive for the welfare of their relatives and acquaintances.
A meeting is held for the representative Islamic
sisters of courses on Kabinah level in Manchester, U.K
the Short Courses Majlis for Islamic sister, a meeting was recently held for
the representative Islamic sisters of courses on Kabinah level in Manchester,
U.K, during which the regional representative Islamic sister of courses
reviewed the performance of the Islamic sisters attending the meeting and
provided guidance to them. She also spoke about training the sisters teaching
these courses. Moreover, she presented points on further boosting the Madani
activities of the department and improving them.
Sunnah-inspired Ijtima’at are held in Tooting, Slough, Ilford, East Ham,
Reading and Sudbury
Sunnah-inspired Ijtima’at were held under Dawat-e-Islami in Tooting, Slough,
Ilford, East Ham, Reading and Sudbury, U.K, which were attended by approximately
125 Islamic sisters.
Muballighaat of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Bayanat on the topic, ‘Wishing well
for the grief-stricken Ummah’. They described the definition of wishing well to
the Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima and stated its virtues. Moreover, they
motivated them to strive for the welfare of their relatives and acquaintances.
Sunnah-inspired Ijtima’at are held in New Castle, Stockton-on-Tees and
Sunnah-inspired Ijtima’at were recently held under Dawat-e-Islami in New
Castle, Stockton-on-Tees and Middlesbrough, U.K, in which approximately 61
Islamic sisters participated.
Muballighaat of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Sunnah-inspired Bayan on the topic,
‘Wishing well for the grief-stricken Ummah’ and had the Islamic sisters
attending the Ijtima recite Kalimah-e-Tayyibah. Towards the end of the Ijtima,
Surah-e-Fatiha and Surah-e-Ikhlas were recited and the reward was donated to
the late sister of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَتْ بَرَکَاتُہُمُ الْعَالِیَہ .
Leeds, U.K, the weekly Sunnah-inspired Ijtima was recently held under
Dawat-e-Islami online, in which approximately 22 Islamic sisters participated.
Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan on the topic,
‘Wishing well for the grief-stricken Ummah’. She stated the parables of our
pious predecessors’ well-wishing and the points extracted from them to the
Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima. Moreover, she motivated them to strive
for the welfare of their relatives and acquaintances, and to attend the weekly
Ijtima’at regularly.
Sunnah-inspired Ijtima was recently held online under Dawat-e-Islami in
Preston, U.K, in which local Islamic sisters participated.
The Kabinah Nigran Islamic sister delivered a Sunnah-inspired
Bayan on the topic, ‘Wishing well for the grief-stricken Ummah’. She stated the
parables of our pious predecessors’ well-wishing and the points extracted from
them to the Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima. Moreover, she motivated them
to strive for the welfare of their relatives and acquaintances.
اسلامی بہنوں کی مجلس علاقائی دورہ کے زیر ِ اہتمام20
2020ء کو یورپین یونین ریجن کی علاقائی دورہ ذمہ دار اسلامی بہنوں کا مدنی مشورہ ہوا جس میں فرانس، اٹلی ،ڈنمارک ،ناروے اوراسپین کی
ذمہ دار اسلامی بہنوں نے شرکت کی۔
عالمی مجلس علاقائی دورہ ذمہ دار اسلامی بہن نے مدنی مشورے میں شریک اسلامی بہنوں کی کارکردگی کاجائزہ
لیتے ہوئے ان کی تربیت کی اور تقرریاں
مکمل کرنے نیزپہلی سطح کے مدنی مشورے مضبوط کرنے کا ذہن دیا نیز شعبے کے مدنی کاموں کو مزید بڑھانے اور اس
میں بہتری لانے کے حوالے سے نکات فراہم کئے۔
امریکہ کے شہر
نیو یارک میں چار مختلف مقامات پر سنتوں بھرے اجتماعات
کا انعقاد
دعوت اسلامی کے زیر اہتمام گزشتہ دنوں امریکہ کے شہر نیو یارک میں چار مختلف مقامات کونی آئی لینڈ، فوسٹر ایوینیو، برائٹن بیچ، بینسن ہرسٹ (Coney Island, Foster Avenue, Brighton Beach, Benson Hurst) پر بذریعہ اسکائپ
سنتوں بھرے اجتماعات کا انعقاد کیا گیا جن میں کم و بیش 115 اسلامی بہنوں نے شرکت
دعوت اسلامی نے "صحابیات و نصیحتوں کے پھول" کے موضوع پر بیانات کئے
اوراجتماعات میں شریک اسلامی بہنوں کو تربیتی حلقے میں شرکت کرنے اورمحرم الحرام میں
روزانہ ہونیوالے مدنی مذاکرہ دیکھنے کی ترغیبات دلائی۔
یوکے اسکاٹ لینڈ
کے علاقے گلاسگومیں آن لائن ہفتہ وار سنتوں بھرے اجتماع کا انعقاد
دعوت اسلامی کے زیر اہتمام 22 اگست 2020ءکو یوکے
اسکاٹ لینڈ کے علاقے گلاسگو( Glasgow)میں آن لائن ہفتہ وار
سنتوں بھرے اجتماع کا انعقاد کیا گیا جس میں 38 اسلامی بہنوں نے شرکت کی۔
کابینہ نگران اسلامی بہن نے ”دکھیاری امت کی
خیر خواہی“ کے موضوع پر سنتوں بھرا بیان کیا اور اجتماعِ پاک میں
شریک اسلامی بہنوں کو بزرگان دین کی خیر خواہی کے واقعات اور ان سے
حاصل ہونے والے نکات بیان کئے نیز عاشورہ کے فضائل بتائے۔