On 20th
August, 2020, the monthly division Madani Halqah was held under Dawat-e-Islami
in Hounslow, London, U.K, in which 15 Islamic sisters participated.
rulings of Shariah were explained during this Madani Halqah and motivation was
given to spread the invitation towards righteousness, take full part in the
Madani activities of Dawat-e-Islami and attend the weekly Ijtima.
A meeting is held for all the representative Islamic
sisters of West Midlands, Kabinah U.K

meeting was recently held under Dawat-e-Islami for all the representative
Islamic sisters of West Midlands, Kabinah U.K, in which 92 representative
Islamic sisters participated.
Nigran Islamic sister of U.K Region delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan on the
topic, ‘How to Spare Time for Worship’ and motivated the Islamic sisters
attending the meeting to fill the booklet of Madani In'amat and submit it to
the representative every month.

representative Islamic sister of Madani In'amat on division level delivered a
Sunnah-inspired Bayan and provided information to the Islamic sisters attending
the Ijtima about bathing and shrouding the deceased. Moreover, she motivated
the Islamic sisters to take the Kafan Dafan Test and take part in the Madani
activities of this department.

On 20th
August, 2020, an Online Madani Halqah was held under Dawat-e-Islami in Cheetham
Hill, Manchester Region, which was attended by 22 Islamic sisters.

On 20th
August, 2020, an online Madani Halqah was held under Dawat-e-Islami in
Longsight, Manchester Region, in which 34 Islamic sisters participated.
Muballigha of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspired Bayan and described
the significance of Madani Muzakarah during her Bayan to the Islamic sisters
attending the Madani Halqah. Moreover, she urged the Islamic sisters to watch
the weekly Madani Muzakarah and attend the weekly Ijtima regularly.

the weekly Madani Muzakarah, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَتْ بَرَکَاتُہُمُ الْعَالِیَہ
gives motivation to read a booklet and blesses the readers and listeners with
his prayers as well. Performance of the fortunate ones who read or listen to
the booklet, is also presented in the court of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَتْ
بَرَکَاتُہُمُ الْعَالِیَہ.
week, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat had given motivation to read or listen to the
booklet, ‘Muharram
Kay Fazaail’.
respect to this, approximately 3,607 Islamic sisters in the European Union
Region had the privilege to read or listen to the booklet, ‘Muharram Kay Fazaail’.
performance of the Islamic sisters’ Madani activities carried out in European
Union Region

a look at a few highlights of the Madani activities carried out by Islamic
sisters with the passion to spread the invitation towards righteousness in
European Union Region from 22nd
Zul-Hijja-til-Haram to 29th Zul-Hijja-til-Haram, 1441 Hijri:
Islamic sisters had the privilege to recite one part of the Quran every day.
Islamic sisters had the privilege to recite half a part of the Quran every day.
Islamic sisters had the privilege to recite Salawaat 313 times every day.
Islamic sisters had the privilege to recite Salawaat 1,200 times every day.
Islamic sisters read a book every day for 12 minutes.
Islamic sisters delivered Dars at home every day.
meeting is held for Edinburgh Kabinah and division Islamic sisters
in Scotland

online meeting via Zoom was held under Dawat-e-Islami on 19th August 2020 in
Scotland, UK in which Edinburgh Kabinah and division level representative
Islamic sisters participated.
the meeting, Kabinah Islamic sister reviewed the performance of the division
Islamic sisters attending the meeting, provided guidance to them and presented
points on different topics regarding boosting the Madani activities. She
motivated them to make efforts for the 3-day Ijtima-e-Zikr-e-Shahadat to be
held in the month of Muharram. 6 Islamic sisters participated in it.
A Meeting is held for the Islamic sisters related with courses in
Manchester Region

online meeting was held under Dawat-e-Islami’s Short Courses department for
Islamic sisters on 18th August 2020 in Manchester Region, UK. The
Manchester Region short courses representative sister and the Kabinah level representative Islamic
sisters took part.
the meeting, the performance of the previous month was reviewed and the
training of course teachers was discussed.
Ijtima’at are held in various parts of Birmingham Region

Sunnah-inspired Ijtima’at were recently held under Dawat-e-Islami in various
parts of Birmingham Region, U.K including Coventry, South Birmingham, North
Birmingham, East Birmingham and Telford, which were attended by approximately
238 Islamic sisters.
Muballighaat of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Bayanat on the topic, ‘Wishing well
for the grief-stricken Ummah’. They described the definition of wishing well to
the Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima and stated its virtues. Moreover, they
motivated them to strive for the welfare of their relatives and acquaintances.
A meeting is held for the representative Islamic
sisters of courses on Kabinah level in Manchester, U.K

the Short Courses Majlis for Islamic sister, a meeting was recently held for
the representative Islamic sisters of courses on Kabinah level in Manchester,
U.K, during which the regional representative Islamic sister of courses
reviewed the performance of the Islamic sisters attending the meeting and
provided guidance to them. She also spoke about training the sisters teaching
these courses. Moreover, she presented points on further boosting the Madani
activities of the department and improving them.
Sunnah-inspired Ijtima’at are held in Tooting, Slough, Ilford, East Ham,
Reading and Sudbury

Sunnah-inspired Ijtima’at were held under Dawat-e-Islami in Tooting, Slough,
Ilford, East Ham, Reading and Sudbury, U.K, which were attended by approximately
125 Islamic sisters.
Muballighaat of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Bayanat on the topic, ‘Wishing well
for the grief-stricken Ummah’. They described the definition of wishing well to
the Islamic sisters attending the Ijtima and stated its virtues. Moreover, they
motivated them to strive for the welfare of their relatives and acquaintances.