Under the
supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Madani Mashwarah of responsible Islamic
sisters of ‘West London Kabina’ presided by Region Nigran (UK) was held. 17
Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending the beneficial Madani Mashwara.
Region Nigran Islamic sister (UK) delivered a motivating Bayan and encouraged the
(Islamic sisters)
to set a Hadaf [Targets] and follow it.
Moreover, she analysed their
did their Tarbiyyah and gave them the mindset of carrying out the work assigned
by responsible Islamic sisters.

Under the
supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Madani Mashwarah of Kabina responsible Islamic
sisters was held in East London on 4th December 2020. Division
Nigran Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending the beneficial Madani
Mashwara. Kabina Nigran Islamic sister analysed the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees (responsible
Islamic sisters),
did their Tarbiyyah and discussed about improving Kaarkardagi along with Jadwal
[schedule]. Moreover, she
shared important points regarding increasing and improving the Islamic
activities of Dawateislami, and encouraged them to keep associated with Islamic
environment of Dawateislami.

Under the
supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Madani Mashwarah of responsible Islamic
sisters was held in Walthamstow (East London). In the Madani
Mashwara, Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees (Islamic
was analysed, they were given Tarbiyyah, and important points regarding
increasing and improving the Islamic activities of Dawateislami.

In order to spread the message ‘Inviting people towards righteousness’, Islamic sisters carried out the Madani activities of
Dawateislami. Some glimpses of Madani activities carried out by Islamic sisters’
previous week (from 9 to 15 Rabiul Akhir) are as follows:
254 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting one
part of the Holy Quran daily.
343 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting a
half part of the Holy Quran daily.
489 Islamic sisters had the privilege of giving home
Dars daily.
1165 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting
Durood-e-Pak daily for 313 times.
830 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting
Durood-e-Pak daily for 1200 times.
554 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reading a
book daily for 12 minutes.
Kaarkardagi about
Madani activities and Madaris conducted in London Region (UK)

Under the
supervision of the department for ‘Madrasatul Madina Baalighaat’, Madani
activities are being carried out successfully in London Region (UK). Monthly
(November 2020) of
‘Madani activities’ and ‘Madaris’ is as follows:
The number of
Madrasatul Madina Baalighaat classes conducted in the entire region is: 28
The number of
students (Islamic
sisters) studied
in Madrasatul Madina Baalighaat is: 211
The number of
2-day online classes conducted via Skype is: 16
The number of students
studying in these Madaris is: 96
The number of
female religious teachers taught online classes on Skype is: 12
The number of
Islamic sisters attended the weekly gathering of Ijtamaat is: 82
The number of
Islamic sisters listened to the weekly Madani Muzakarah: 51
The number of
Islamic sisters who did accountability of their action most often: 12
Kaarkardagi about
Madani activities and Madaris conducted in London Region (UK)

Under the
supervision of the department for ‘Madrasatul Madina Baalighaat’, Madani
activities are being carried out successfully in Manchester region (UK). Monthly
(November 2020) of
‘Madani activities’ and ‘Madaris’ is as follows:
The number of
Madrasatul Madina Baalighaat classes conducted in the entire region is: 47
The number of
students (Islamic
studied in Madrasatul Madina Baalighaat is: 331
The number of
religious female teachers is: 43
The number of
Madaris conducted at home is: 05
The number of
students (Islamic
sisters) studied
in these Madaris is: 07
The number of online
classes conducted via Skype is: 08
The number of
Islamic sisters studied in online classes is: 59
The number of
religious teachers of online Madaris is: 13
The number of
Islamic sisters attended the weekly gathering of Ijtamaat is: 148
The number of weekly
students (Islamic sisters) did Fikr-e-Madina:108
The number of
Islamic sisters listened to the weekly Madani Muzakarah:99
The number of
students completed Nazira Quran: 01
Kaarkardagi about
Madani activities and Madaris conducted in Bradford region (UK)

Under the
supervision of the department for ‘Madrasatul
Madina Baalighaat’, Madani activities
are being carried out successfully in Bradford region Kabina. Monthly
Kaarkardagi (November
of ‘Madani activities’ and ‘Madaris’ are as follows:
The number of
Madrasatul Madina Baalighaat classes conducted in the entire region is: 38
The number of
students (Islamic sisters) studied in Madrasatul Madina Baalighaat: 295
The number of
female religious teachers is: 37
The number of
Madaris conducted at home is: 08
The number of
students (Islamic
sisters) studied
in these Madaris is: 27
The number of online
classes conducted via Skype is: 11
The number of
Islamic sisters studied in online classes is: 51
The number of
religious female teachers taught online classes is: 11
The number of
Islamic sisters attended the weekly gathering of Ijtamaat is:181
The number of
Islamic sisters who made accountability of their actions daily is:112
Number of Islamic
sisters listened to the weekly Madani Muzakarah:117
The number of
Islamic sisters who completed Madani Qaida in November 2020: 04
The course ‘What
are Paradise and Hell’ conducted in Glasgow (Scotland Region)

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis short courses (Islamic sisters)’, the course, namely ‘What are Paradise and Hell?’ was conducted in Glasgow (Scotland Region). 22 Islamic sisters had the
privilege of attending this important course. The attendees [Islamic sisters] gained valuable information:
‘What are Paradise
and Hell?
Where are ‘Paradise’ and ‘Hell’ located?
Have ‘Paradise’ and ‘Hell’ come into being?
How great will the blessings of Paradise be?
How painful will the torment of Hell be?
What belief should a Muslim have about the Paradise
and Hell?

Under the supervision of Majlis Madrasatul Madina
Baalighaat, a 41-day ‘Mua’limah Madani Qaidah course’ is going on in
Holland Region. 9 Islamic sisters from Italy and Holland
enrolled in this course.
Salient features of the course: Madani Qaida (with correct elocution), Azkaar of Salah, method of Salah, Fard Uloom and basic fundamentals of Islam.

دعوت اسلامی کے زیر اہتمام 7 دسمبر 2020ء بروز پیر امریکہ اور کینیڈا کی ڈویژن ذمہ دار اسلامی بہنوں کا مدنی مشورہ ہوا جس میں نارتھ امریکہ ریجن نگران اسلامی بہن نے مدنی
مشورے میں شریک اسلامی بہنوں کی کارکردگی کاجائزہ لیتے ہوئے تربیت کی اور برائے
دعائے حاجات اجتماع کے مدنی پھولوں پر کلام کیا نیزمدنی مرکز کے مدنی پھولوں پر
عمل کرتے ہوئے اطاعت کا ذہن دیا اوراسلامی بہنوں کے آٹھ دینی کاموں کے حوالے سے نکات دئیے۔
برمنگھم ریجن ایسٹ
مڈلینڈز کابینہ کے دو ڈویژن کی ذمہ دار اسلامی بہنوں کا مدنی مشورہ

دعوت اسلامی کے زیر اہتمام 7 دسمبر 2020 ءکو
برمنگھم ریجن ایسٹ مڈلینڈز(East Midlands) کابینہ کے دو ڈویژن کی ذمہ دار اسلامی بہنوں کا مدنی مشورہ ہوا جس میں تمام ڈویژن نگران اسلامی بہنوں
نے شرکت کی۔
نگران اسلامی بہن نے مدنی مشورے میں شریک
اسلامی بہنوں کی کارکردگی کاجائزہ لیتے ہوئے تربیت کی اور دعائے حاجات اجتماع کے
حوالے سے اہم نکات پیش کئے نیز دینی کاموں کو مزید بڑھانے اور اس میں بہتری لانے
کے حوالے سے نکات فراہم کئے۔
یوکے ریجن میں ماہ نومبر 2020ء میں 59 مقامات پر کورس بنام ”مسکرانے کے دینی و
دنیاوی فوائد“ کا انعقاد

اسلامی بہنوں کی مجلس شارٹ کورسز کے زیر اہتمام
ماہ نومبر 2020ء میں یوکے ریجن کےشہروں
لندن ، برمنگھم ، مانچسٹر ، اسکاٹ لینڈ (London, Birmingham, Manchester, Scotland ) میں تقریباً 59 مقامات پر 1 دن پر مشتمل کورس
بنام ”مسکرانے کے دینی و دنیاوی فوائد“ کا انعقاد کیا گیا جن میں کم و بیش
1ہزار236 اسلامی بہنوں نے شرکت کی۔
مبلغاتِ دعوتِ اسلامی نے سنتوں بھرے بیانات کئے
اور کورس میں شریک اسلامی بہنوں کو مسکرانے کے حوالے سے معلومات فراہم کرتے ہوئے
کہا کہ مسکرانا صدقہ ہے، مسکرانا ہمارے پیارے نبی ﷺ کی سنت مبارکہ ہے، مسکرا ہٹ
بہت سے مسائل حل کردیتی ہے نیزانہیں دعوت اسلامی کے مدنی کاموں سے متعلق آ گاہی
فراہم کرتے ہوئے دعوت اسلامی کے مدنی ماحول سے وابستہ رہنے اور مدنی کاموں میں حصہ
لینے کی ترغیب دلائی۔
اس کورس کے اختتام پر اسلامی بہنوں نے اپنے
تاثرات بھی دیئے جبکہ 825 اسلامی بہنوں نے مزید کورسز کرنے کی نیت کی اور741 اسلامی
بہنوں نےہفتہ وار سنتوں بھرے اجتماع میں شرکت کرنے کی نیت کی۔