8 رمضان المبارک, 1446 ہجری
Online shrouding
and burial Tarbiyyati Ijtima’ in Accrington Division, UK
Fri, 29 Jan , 2021
4 years ago
Under the
supervision of department of Dawat-e-Islami ‘Majlis shrouding and burial (Islamic sisters)’, an online
‘shrouding and burial Tarbiyyati Ijtima’ was conducted in Accrington Division,
UK on 26th January 2021. 16 Islamic sisters had the privilege of
attending the ‘Tarbiyyati spiritual gathering’.
Region Responsible Islamic sister (Majlis
shrouding and burial) gave the attendees (Islamic sisters) Tarbiyyah about
‘giving Ghusl to the deceased [Islamic sister]’, and ‘shrouding the deceased [Islamic
sister]’. Moreover, she explained the precautions of
‘giving Ghusl to the deceased [Islamic sister]’ and ‘shrouding the deceased [Islamic
sister]’. Division Responsible Islamic (Majlis shrouding and burial) delivered
the Sunnah-inspiring Bayan and taught the attendees (Islamic sisters) rulings about ‘Mustamal water’ and Israf [waste].