A series of condolences conducted at the Naat
reciting Islamic sister’s house in Belgium

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a series of
condolences was conducted at the Naat reciting sister’s
house in Belgium, European Union Region.
The Kabinah Nigran Islamic sister of the Department of
invitation towards good deeds and the Kabinah Nigran Islamic sister of the Shab
o Roz condoled the Naat reciting Islamic sister for the death of her father and
encouraged her to to Esaal-e-Sawab for her own father and have patience.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Sunnah inspiring
ijtima’ was conducted in the areas like
Caspe and Taragona in Tartosa, Spain. Nearly, 17 islamic sisters had the
privilege of attending it.
The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a bayan on “the
dark grave” and she informed the attendees (Islamic sisters)
about the religious work of Dawat-e-Islami and encouraged them to be a part of
it as well.
A monthly Halaqah
of learning and teaching conducted in Vienna, Austria

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a monthly Halaqah of
learning and teaching was conducted in Vienna, Austria. Nearly, 12 Islamic
sisters had the privilege of attending it.
The responsible Islamic sister from the Department of Area
visit activity delivered a bayan on the topic “The intention and time
to apple fragrance” and enlightened attendees (Islamic
sisters) about the times when they can apply a fragrance. After that,
the Kabinah Nigran Islamic sister delivered a Bayan on the topic “The
procedure of Ablution (Wuzu)” and did tarbiyyah of attendees (Islamic

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Sunnah inspiring
ijtima’ was conducted in Vienna, Austria
in the previous days via internet. Nearly, 19 Islamic sisters had the privilege
of attending it.
The Kabinah nigran Islamic sister delivered a Bayan on the
topic “The
worldly and religious benefits of Knowledge”. And she enlightened the attendees
(Islamic sisters) regarding the importance of knowledge in the light of the
Holy Quran and Hadith alongside making their mindset to study at Madrassa tul

Under the supervision of the Department of Islah Amaal (Islamic
sisters), Dawat-e-Islami, an Islah Amaal ijtima’
was conducted in Vienna, Austria in the previous days via internet.
Nearly, 14 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending it.
The Islamic sister of the Department of Islah Amaal delivered
a Bayan on the topic “How
to do your own Muhasiba (calculation of your actions)”. She encouraged
the Islamic sisters to analyze their actions on daily basis and fill in the
Nayk Amaal magazine daily as well.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Sunnah inspiring
ijtima’ was conducted in the third week of
November, 2021 at two different locations in Norway including Haugerud and
Strommen. Nearly, 40 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending it.
The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah
inspiring Bayan on the topic “The
rights of a Father and the worldly and religious benefits of knowledge”.
Moreover, she encouraged the attendees (Islamic sisters) to
keep themselves associated with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami.
A Sunnah
inspiring ijtima’ conducted in Germany, European Union Region via Internet

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Sunnah inspiring
ijtima’ was conducted in Germany, European
Union Region via Internet. 31 Islamic sisters from Frankfurt, Dietzenbach and
Koblenz had the privilege of attending it.
The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Bayan on
the topic “The
chief of Saints (Wali)”. She mentioned important points to attendees
(Islamic sisters) regarding the conditions, events, rituals and worship of
Ghous e Pak (May Allah have mercy on him). Moreover, she
encouraged the Islamic sisters to attend the ijtima’
regularly, watch the Madani Muzakirahs and fill in the Nayk Amaal

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a weekly Sunnah
inspiring ijtima’ was conducted in Offenbach,
Germany in the previous days. Nearly, 25 Islamic sisters had the privilege to
attend it.
The ijtima’ began
with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by the Naat of Rasool. The
female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah inspiring Bayan on the
topic “The
character of Prophet Muhammad” (peace and blessings be upon him).
She mentioned important points regarding the Character of Nabi Kareem and his
miracles to the attendees (Islamic sisters). Moreover, she gave
them the mindset of reading a book regarding the Character of Prophet Muhammad.
At the end of the ijtima, there was a series of dua and esaal e sawab done.
Weekly Sunnah
inspiring ijtima conducted via internet in Chicago, America

The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Bayan on
the topic “The
worldly and religious benefits of knowledge”. She gave attendees (Islamic
sisters) the mindset to watch Madani Channel, enroll in short courses
and act upon the Nayk Amaal magazine.
A Madani
mashwarah conducted in the East Land Kabinah, London Region, UK

Under the superivison of Dawat-e-Islami, a Madani Mashwarah
was conducted in the East Land Kabinah, London Region, UK. The responsible
Islamic sisters of the Division had the privilege of attending it.
The Kabinah Nigran Islamic sister did a follow up of the
performance of Islamic sisters attending the Madani Mashwarah. Moreover, she
motivated and set targets for them (Islamic sisters) to
further improve the religious work and enhance it. And she appreciated Islamic
sisters for their good performance as well.
A Madani
Mashwarah for responsible Islamic sisters conducted in the West Midlands
Kabinah, Birmingham Region, UK

Under the supervision of the Department of Maktaba tul
Madinah (Islamic sisters), Dawat-e-Islami, a
Madani Mashwarah of the responsible Islamic sisters was conducted in the West
Midlands Kabinah Birmingham Region, UK. The Division zimmadar Islamic sisters
had the privilege of attending the Madani Mashwarah.
The responsible Islamic sister of Kabinah level did a follow
up of the performance of Islamic sisters attending the Madani Mashwarah and did
their Tarbiyyah as well. Moreover, she mentioned important points to improve
the work of Department and distribution of Magazines.

Under the supervision of the Department of Islah Amaal (Islamic
sisters), Dawat-e-Islami, Islah Amaal ijtima’at
was conducted in the Derby Division, UK – in order to celebrate the remembrance
of Ghous e Pak رحمہ الله علیہ. Nearly, 135 Islamic sisters had the
privilege of attending it.
The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Sunnah
inspiring Bayan and encouraged the attendees (Islamic sisters) to
analyze their actions daily. Moreover, she enlightened the attendees
(Islamic sisters) by the knowledge of fasting in the light of the Holy Quran
and Hadith.