8 رمضان المبارک, 1446 ہجری
A Madani
Mashwarah for responsible Islamic sisters conducted in the West Midlands
Kabinah, Birmingham Region, UK
Fri, 3 Dec , 2021
3 years ago
Under the supervision of the Department of Maktaba tul
Madinah (Islamic sisters), Dawat-e-Islami, a
Madani Mashwarah of the responsible Islamic sisters was conducted in the West
Midlands Kabinah Birmingham Region, UK. The Division zimmadar Islamic sisters
had the privilege of attending the Madani Mashwarah.
The responsible Islamic sister of Kabinah level did a follow
up of the performance of Islamic sisters attending the Madani Mashwarah and did
their Tarbiyyah as well. Moreover, she mentioned important points to improve
the work of Department and distribution of Magazines.