In order to calling people towards righteousness, a number of Madani activities were carried out. Some glimpses of the Madani activities carried out from 26th Safar-ul-Muzaffar to 03rd Rabiul Awwal 1442 Hijri are as follows:

٭ 260 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting one part of the Holy Qur’aan daily.

٭ 362 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting half part of the Holy Qur’aan daily.

٭ 491 Islamic sisters had the privilege of delivering Dars daily at home.

٭ 826 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting Durood Pak daily 313 times.

٭ 751 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting Durood Pak daily 1200 times.

٭ 556 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reading an Islamic book for 12 Minutes daily.