8 رمضان المبارک, 1446 ہجری
The course ‘Shumail-e-Mustafa’ commenced in
North Birmingham Division (Birmingham Region, UK)
Thu, 11 Nov , 2021
3 years ago
Under the supervision of ‘Shoba short courses (Islamic sisters)’, in relation with the month of Rabi-un-Noor, a 5-day course, namely
‘Shumail-e-Mustafa’ regarding the blessed life of the Holy Prophet was
commenced from 26th October 2021 in North Birmingham Division (Birmingham Region, UK). Approximately, 18 Islamic sisters
had the privilege of attending this spiritual course.
In the
course, the information about the circumstances of the blessed life, Seerah,
miracles, Shumail, Khasais, etc. of the Beloved Prophet was provided to the
attendees (Islamic