Under the passion of spreading the call towards righteousness, read some of the achievements of the Madani activities of the Islamic sisters in the United Kingdom in October:

Number of the Islamic sisters who got associated with the Madani environment by individual effort in this month: 64

Number of the Islamic sisters who delivered the home Dars daily: 777

Number of the Islamic sisters who listened to the speech or Madani Muzakarah of Ameer Ahl-e-Sunnat daily: 392

Number of Madrasah-tul-Madinah for female: 119

Number of the Islamic sisters who studied the Madrasah-tul-Madinah for female: 83

Number of the weekly Sunnah-inspiring congregations: 190

Number of the Islamic sisters who attended the weekly Sunnah-inspiring congregations: 4101

Weekly area visit (Number of the participants of the area visit): 248

Number of the weekly division Madani Halqah: 40

Number of the Islamic sisters who attended the weekly division Madani Halqah: 650

Number of the booklets of the Madani In’amaat received: 1023