Performance of reading or listening to
Imam Abu Hanifa's treatise of the Islamic Sisters of the UK Region
In the weekly
civic discourse, Ameer Ahl-e-Sunnat Damat Barakatuhum Al-Aaliyah encourages the
reading of one of the civic magazines and also gives prayers to the readers and
listeners of the magazine. The performance of the lucky ones who study or
listen is also presented in the court of Amir Ahl-e-Sunnat Damat Barakatum
Ahl-e-Sunnat Damat Barakatum Al-Aaliyah had encouraged people to read or listen
to the treatise "Imam Abu Hanifa's good behavior". In this regard,
approximately sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety-one Islamic sisters in
the UK region had the privilege of reading / listening to the magazine “Imam
Abu Hanifa's Behavior”.