Madani Mashwara of
Responsible Islamic sisters (Majlis Islah-e-A’maal, UK)
Under the supervision of
Majlis Islah-e-A’maal, a Madani Mashwara of the Responsible Islamic sisters of
‘Majlis Islah-e-A’maal’ (UK) was conducted on 5th
January 2021. Responsible Islamic sisters from Birmingham, Manchester, London,
Bradford, Ireland and Scotland had the privilege of attending this important
Mashwara. The Responsible Islamic sister of ‘Majlis Islah-e-A’maal’
(Member of Almi Majlis Mushwrat) analysed the the
Kaarkardagi [performance] of the attendees (Islamic
did their Tarbiyyah and gave them the mindset of keeping in touch with the
practicing Islamic sisters of Nay’k Am’aal and increasing Nay’k Am’aal.
Morevoer, she motivated them to submit their monthly Kaarkardagi on time.