Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Madani Mashwarah of responsible Islamic sisters (Madrasa-tul-Madina Baalighaat) from Manchester Region was conducted in previous days. Kabinah and Division responsible Islamic sisters (Madrasa-tul-Madina Baalighaat) had the privilege of attending this spiritual Mashwarah.

Region responsible Islamic sister (Madrasa-tul-Madina Baalighaat) analysed the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees (Islamic sisters), did their Tarbiyyah and discussed about the course, namely ‘Faizan-e-Zauq-e-Quran’. Furthermore, she gave them the points on improving the religious activities.

Kaarkardagi about weekly booklet (UK)

Thu, 22 Apr , 2021
3 years ago

In weekly Madani Muzakirah, Ameer Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـهْ encourages people to read a Madani booklet assigned to them and also blesses the readers and listeners with Dua’s. Kaakardagi (performance) of the fortunate people reading and listening to the booklet is also presented in the court of Ameer Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـهْ.

Last week, janasheen-e-Ameer Ahl-e-Sunnat Molana Ubaid raza attari madani مُدَّظِلُّہُ الْعَالِیmotivated people to read or listen to the booklet, ‘The Month of Ramadan and Ameer e Ahl e Sunnat.

In this connection, 4893 Islamic sisters from Manchester Region, 1987 from London Region, 4919 from Bradford Region, 6328 from Birmingham Region, 65 from Ireland and 430 from Scotland Region had the privilege of reading and listening to the booklet, ‘The Month of Ramadan and Ameer e Ahl e Sunnat’. Collectively, 18622 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reading and listening to the booklet, ‘The Month of Ramadan and Ameer e Ahl e Sunnat.

In order to spread the message, ‘calling people to righteousness’, some glimpses of the religious activities carried out by Islamic sisters in UK in the last week are as follows: 

526 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting one part of the Holy Quran daily.

487 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting a half part of the Holy Quran daily.

480 Islamic sisters had the privilege of giving Dars at home daily.

2618 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting Durood-e-Pak daily for 313 times.

1036 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reciting Durood-e-Pak daily for 1200 times.

663 Islamic sisters had the privilege of reading a book daily for 12 minutes.

Under the supervision of ‘Madrasa-tul-Madina (Baalighaat)’, Madaaris were conducted and other religious activities were carried out in Manchester Region, UK in March 2021. The monthly Kaarkardagi of Madaaris and other religious activities is as follows:

Number of classes in the whole region: 52

Number of Islamic sisters studying in Madrasa-tul-Madina (Baalighaat): 348

Number of Mudarrisaat: 51

Number Madaaris of conducted at home: 5

Number of Islamic sisters studying in them: 7

Number of classes conducted daily via Skype: 10

Number of Islamic sisters studying in them: 56

Number of Mudarrisaat teaching via Skype: 16

Number of Islamic sisters attending the weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’: 202

Number of Islamic sisters conducting weekly Fikr-e-Madinah: 202

Number of Islamic sisters listening to the weekly Madani Muzakirah: 140

In March 2021, 8 Islamic sisters completed the Madani Qaida.

With the great passion of saving Muslims from sins, making them pious, fretting about the protection of their Iman (faith) and establishing undying fear of Allah and love for the Noble Prophet, and while acting upon the saying of Sheikh-e-Tariqat Amir Ahl-e-Sunnat, under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at were held in different places of all Kabinah and Divisions in Manchester Region, UK. Approximately, 837 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending these spiritual Ijtima’at.

The female preachers of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Sunnah-inspiring Bayans on the topic ‘arrival of Ramadan’ and described the attendees (Islamic sisters) the blessing and importance of Ramadan in the light the Noble Quran and Hadith. Furthermore, they gave them the mindset of associating with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami.

With the great passion of saving different parts of body, especially tongue and eyes from sins, Ameer Ahl-e-Sunnat introduced a religious campaign of Yaum-e-Qufl. In this context, Yaum-e-Qufl was observed in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Scotland and Bradford Regions, UK on Monday in April 2021. 541 Islamic sisters had the privilege of observing the Qufl for approximately one day, whereas three Islamic sisters had the privilege of observing the Qufl for three days. On the other hand, 623 Islamic sisters read the booklet, ‘Silent Prince’.

Under the supervision of Majlis ‘Islah-e-A’maal’, an ‘Islah-e-A’maal Ijtima’ was conducted in Nelson, UK in previous days. 16 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this great Ijtima’.

The female preacher of Dawat-e-Islami delivered a Sunnah-inspiring Bayan via Skype, explained the the attendees (Islamic sisters) about the booklet, ‘Nayk A’maal’ in detail and described them the method of acting upon ‘Nayk A’maal’ with ease. Furthermore, she gave them the mindset of becoming the practicing individuals of ‘Nayk A’maal’.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Madani Mashwarah of Division responsible Islamic sister from Tooting with responsible Islamic siters from her Zaili Halqah was conducted in previous days.

Division responsible Islamic sister analysed the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees (Islamic sisters), did their Tarbiyyah and appreciated over the outstanding performance. Furthermore, she gave them the points on improving the religious activities. 

Under the supervision of ‘Majlis shrouding and burial (Islamic sisters)’, a ‘shrouding and burial Ijtima’ was conducted in Slough (London Region, UK) in previous days. Approximately, 26 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this spiritual gathering.

Responsible Islamic sister (Majlis shrouding and burial) taught the attendees (Islamic sisters) the method of cutting the shroud and shrouding the deceased (Islamic sisters) and explained the method of giving Ghusl to the deceased (Islamic sisters). Furthermore, she motivated them to appear in the shrouding and burial test and perform the religious activities. Upon this, Islamic sisters expressed good intentions. 

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at were conducted at various places of all Kabinahs and Divisions (London Region). Approximately, 548 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending these great Ijtima’at.

The female preachers of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Sunnah-inspiring Bayans on the topic ‘arrival of Ramadan’ and described the attendees (Islamic sisters) the blessing and importance of Ramadan. Furthermore, they gave them the mindset of associating with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami. 

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, weekly Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’at were conducted in Glasgow and Edinburgh (Scotland Region, UK) in previous days. Approximately, 121 Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending these great Ijtima’at.

The female preachers of Dawat-e-Islami delivered Sunnah-inspiring Bayans on the topic ‘arrival of Ramadan’ and described the attendees (Islamic sisters) the blessing and importance of Ramadan. Furthermore, they gave them the mindset of associating with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami.

Under the supervision of Dawat-e-Islami, a Madani Mashwarah of responsible Islamic sisters from West London Kabinah (London Region, UK) was conducted in previous days. Nigran Islamic sisters had the privilege of attending this spiritual Mashwarah.

Kabinah Nigran Islamic sister analysed the Kaarkardagi (performance) of the attendees (Islamic sisters), did their Tarbiyyah and appreciated over the outstanding performance. Furthermore, she gave them mindset of collection maximum donations in Ramadan-ul-Mubarak, explaining the procedure of filling the appointment form of Islamic sisters and improving the performance of the booklet, ‘Nayk A’maal.